First off I want to thank my friend Chandler for picking all this up for me since I was really busy this week and my coupon was about to expire! I love you so much girly! I was mildly satisfied with the small amount of
Bath & Body Works products I had at home until my friend gave me my belated Christmas present which was a Slatkin & Co. 14.5 oz 3-wick Vanilla Caramel Candle!! Let's also keep in mind that this is mid-February. haha jk David, I love you a bunch too! I completely flipped out over the gift and went crazy for the rest of the day with this candle. In Spanish class, I sat with the candle without the lid so that I could smell it and while driving on the way home I sat with the candle in my lap. hahahaha. Obsessed? Yes. So now I have gone completely ballistic for more Bath & Body Works products and was finally able to get some more! I was so excited today when I picked this up at school that I was super happy and talking extremely fast to the point that my friends sometimes couldn't understand me. haha One of my friends even asked if I was feeling ok. lol
Here is what I picked up! (Also keep in mind that I had never smelled any of these scents before getting Chandler to purchase them for me so I wasn't satisfied with everything.)
I will include the pricing of everything at the end of this post!P.S. Today when I picked up my items since Chandler brought them to school, a lot of people passed them around and smelled them! lol I will include some stories about what happened and what they thought next to each item. They will be in yellow in case you only want to read that part of this post. lol
Slatkin & Co. (14.5 oz) Vanilla Caramel Candle-
"Warm, creamy vanilla blends with rich caramel and hazelnut, with a hint of pumpkin spice." I have been looking for something with pumpkin spice for a while and this smells amazing!
David said he smelt most of the candles in the store and said he thought this smelt the best. I'm so scared of setting off a smoke alarm or something when I blow it out though! lol
Bali Mango Shower Gel (10 FL OZ)-
"Our tropical Bali Mango is an exotic getaway of juicy mango, sugar cane, pink passionflower and luscious nectarine." Yall, this smells amazing! It is the perfect fruity mix and will be the best scent ever for summertime!! It is almost smells like a fruit punch drink!
All of my friends who smelt this approved and thought it smelt really good! This is my first full sized item from Bath & Body Works and I will definitely use all of it! I got this for free with my coupon that says you get a free signature item if you make a purchase of $10 or more!
Secret Wonderland Fragrance Mist (3 FL OZ)-
" Master perfumers have blended luscious strawberry and frosted jasmine petals with magical notes of white amber and creamy sandalwood to create this whimsical fragrance inspired by a world you never dreamed existed." Wonderful scent! My guy friend, Andy, after I sprayed this said I smelt like candy! lol To me, this a slightly fruity scent with a hint of honeysuckle! It also has this refreshing/ cooling sort of smell to it. I will definitely be using this a lot! I think it is mainly suited for summer nights instead of the day though. Apparently this is the exact same scent as Moonlight Magic that was discontinued. Today in math class when all of my new goodies were being passed around, my friend, Anne Lanier, decided to spray this on my friend Adam's back! hahaha He was like "Oh my gosh what did you just do! Wow great. Thanks. Now guys are going to be following me around." lol I laughed so hard.Carried Away Fragrance Mist (3 FL OZ)-
"A whimsical blend of lush raspberries, white jasmine and whipped vanilla inspired by the way love sweeps you off your feet." To me, I kid you not, this smells like Sweet Pea and I personally do not like Sweet Pea. I can't really pick out the vanilla notes in this at all. I wish it was sweeter and fruitier but instead it kinda smells old lady-ish to me.
My friend Adam said he liked it but my other guy friend Ayman said he did not. So mixed opinions on this one. I will probably not be wearing this one much at all. It is more like a perfume-y scent than a body spray. I am kinda dissapointed by this one.
Moonlight Path Mini Body Butter (1.7 OZ)-
"Our exclusive Moonlight Path fragrance is an opulent floral bouquet that captures the essence of moonlit strolls in lush garden." Yuckkkk. This smells sooo bad! It smells like baby powder and laundry detergent. I shouldn't have gotten this at all because it has notes of lavender and I really hate the smell of lavender. This is also really small for the price of $6 (although that is not what I paid for it; total prices will be mentioned at the end of this post). This should last me for a while though because I will probably only use small amounts of it on my elbows. It is pretty easy to cover up the bad smell with another lotion and is pretty moisturizing so that is a plus. It is super thick though and is kinda hard to dig your fingers into it at first. lol
My friend, Priya, smelt this and said that this smelt nothing like the other Moonlight Path products but I don't know if I care enough to try them because I am pretty grossed out by this one.
Slatkin & Co. (1.6 OZ) Candle in Caribbean Salsa-
"Luscious pineapple nectar and fresh peach blend with Yuzu flower and vanilla." Wonderful citrus scent. This has a strong orange smell but I can smell the hints of peach and mango. The problem with these small candles is that they do not have very good strength when it comes to filling a room with a scent.
Slatkin & Co. (1.6 OZ) Pink Sangria Candle-
"A refreshing combination of zesty mandarin, raspberry and fresh blueberry, layered with the sweetness of sugar crystals." This reminds me of the candy sweet tarts. It has that wonderful sweet/ sour mixed smell to it.
Slatkin & Co. (1.6 OZ) Candle in Calypso Sun- "A luscious blend of juicy mandarin, white peach and tropical mango." I was holding this around in pretty much every class.
My friends all really liked this one. It is the strongest orange/ citrus scent of the three candles I got. It reminds me of the scent of my Clean & Clear In-Shower Facial Cleanser. This candle has a very sharp orange scent.
When I calculated the total price of the items (excluding the candle because that was a gift) if I didn't get sale deals, it would have come out to $37. I only paid $16! :) The deals I got were 3 1.6OZ candles for $5 and 3 for $10 mini's to go (which were the sprays and body butter.) The Bali Mango Shower Gel came free because of a coupon. :)If you have done a recent B&BW haul, then please leave me the link because I would love to see what items you like!