#1) Too much makeup. The absolute number one response that I received was that guys hate when girls put on too much makeup. I asked 17 guys and 10 of them said they don't think a lot of makeup is attractive at all. One guy said too much makeup hides natural beauty and guys like subtle makeup. Another guy justified his answer by saying that girls tend to become dependent on makeup. He said: "I have no problem with a tad bit of eyeliner or blush or lipstick to highlight some stuff, but there should never be a hugely dramatic difference between no makeup and makeup. It gets distracting when there is an overload of makeup." Another person said: "Don't put on so much makeup that I can't see your face. Too much makeup indicates low self esteem and girls always appear more beautiful when they can be confident and embrace themselves."
Here were some other answers:
- Too much lipstick or putting on any red lipstick (One guy described it as being terrible.)
- Too much eyeshadow- especially purple eyeshadow. One guy said he really doesn't like it when girls put on colored makeup because it doesn't look natural.
- Too much blush
- "Fake tans are disgusting."
- Dressing up too much
- "They always think they can wear better clothes or better makeup. They're fine the way they are."
- Girls that wear clothing that is extremely uncomfortable for the sake of style.
- Sagging their pants
- Looking emo (lol)
- Wearing the same hoodie everyday
- Girls shouldn't try and cover up flaws but rather enhance their best features.
- Short skirts aren't attractive. "Showing everything like your butt crack when your skirt is too short is gross."
- Looking "easy"
- Buying new dresses for every single event because girls wear them once and never wear them again.
- "I hate and love really tight sweat pants..." (I think he is talking about yoga pants). "...I hate you for making me want to look but I love you for how it looks."
- Clothes when it doesn't make sense.
- "I absolutely hate cake face makeup on girls, but who doesn't. I also get really cringey when I get close to a girl and you can see powder build up on her cheeks."
- When a girl throws on lots of fake 'bling' for no reason.
- "If you feel comfortable and relaxed in your clothes then we will too. Sometimes a well fitted pair of jeans is most attractive."

Let me know if there are any questions you would like my guy friends to answer!
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