I think I was watching one of Queenbeeuty's Youtube video and after she mentioned boutiques.com that finally pushed me to make an account after hearing so much about the site from other people! I know that other Youtube stars such as Elle Fowler (Allthatglitters21) and Blair Fowler (Juicystar07) also have accounts.
How it works: The whole site is revolved around personalizing and finding items to fit your style. Basically making an account is completely free and at the start, they show you pictures and you choose which one is more your style. It then asks what styles, colors, and patterns you love and hate and it then matches you with clothing and accessory suggestions. If you don't like an item, you can click the hate button and that will remove it for you. By clicking the "save" button, it will add the piece to your favorites! If you really love an item then you can click on its picture and it will take you to its website where you can order the item!
Click the link below to check out my personal boutique! Or insert in the search bar the name "EmilyDD".
If you follow me on boutiques.com then I would love to follow you back too! I haven't quite figured out how to make my boutique perfect yet but it's a work in progress! :)
Here are my top 3 favorite items I have discovered so far with boutiques.com!

You can also look at the favorites of celebrities and stylist! Overall the site is really fun and a great way to get inspiration! It is like having your own personal store!
If you already have an account then leave me the link below & I will check it out! I would love if you could follow or comment on my boutique! <3
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