Alright so I finally got to go to the MAC counter! Here are the two things that I got! I am literally obsessed with them! I kept putting the products on, taking them off, and then putting them on again! lol Like literally my eyes got so irritated that they started to swell a little. haha
I got the Bare Study Paint Pot for $16.50 and Honey Lust Eyeshadow (Lustre) for $14.50. It is really hard for me to describe Honey Lust because it seems like it's a million neutral colors put together! My picture below doesn't do the eyeshadow much justice because my picture makes it look like a plain beige color. But actually in the pot, it looks like a mix of amber, gold, and beige. However, on the eye, I would say it comes off as a neutral color with a tint of amber. Bare Study is the perfect base for any color. It is a champagne-y, pink color that has some tints of white. One thing I would say about these products though is that the eyeshadows are a lot smaller than I imagined! Nonetheless, I still love my purchase. :)
Here is what it looks like on the website!
Here is what I noticed about the other eyeshadows that I tried while being there!
(I do not own any of these photos.)Retrospeck (lustre) is a very chunky, glittery eyeshadow and didn't really have any color payoff. It seems like something that would be used layered on top of another eyeshadow. The tint of the eyeshadow in the pot looks almost greenish. I am pretty much never going to buy this eyeshadow so I crossed it off my list.
All That Glitters (Veluxe Pearl) was okay.. It didn't really show up on my eyes because I am very tan and all.. But I think it would look beautiful on people with lighter skin! However, maybe in the future I may buy this because it is a neutral color and I bet it would look good if I applied it wet.
Rice Paper (frost) was an okay eyeshadow. It did apply smoothly; however, it just seemed like an ordinary white color. In the pot, it looked like it would be the perfect beigey color but of course my dark skin made it look white. :/ It would probably appear beigey on people with lighter skin.

Naked Lunch (frost)- I actually liked this one but it wasn't a necessity for me at the moment because it came a little white-ish to me too. However, I think this looks a little more pink-y because it has a lot of different colored pearly shimmer. Don't get me wrong though, this isn't an obvious pink, I would say it is still more of a white, beigey color; just a little more pink than Rice Paper. I will probably purchase this in the near future.

Rubenesque Paint Pot- This truly was gorgeous! It was like an amber-y, gold cream base/ eyeshadow. However, I didn't get it because I think it will be easier to pair eyeshadows with Bare Study than Rubenesque for an everyday look and I was really shopping to get my money's worth. I would've definitely used Bare Study more than Rubenesque. However, the lady at the counter said she thought Rubenesque was gorgeous with my skin tone. These paint pots are amazing though because they don't budge at all! So worth the money! I may buy this in the future because I like to wear gold eyeshadows and this would be the perfect base for those!!
I would love to hear your suggestions for M.A.C. products!