Product I Tried- Avocado & Oatmeal Facial Clay Mask- $3.99
This is the product that I have tried! This is a great blue mask and is really thick and rich! I think this is a great product to come home to after a long day!
Products I want to try!
Right: Pomegranate Sugar Body Scrub ($3.99) Gosh body scrubs feel soo good and are perfect for any day! 
Right: Peppermint & Plum Warming Foot Scrub ($3.79) Doesn't this just sound amazing? I think it would be super relaxing!
Alrighty, so let me know if you have tried any of these products and what you thought of them!
P.S. I just wanted to let you all know that I will be going on vacation out of the country for a month so I will not be able to respond to your comments for a while! However, I have a lot of posts planned and ready to be posted periodically so there will be new things going up every few days! :)
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