Thursday, April 14, 2011

International Day Video!

Hello! So yesterday, I organized an International Day for my school! It was "dress as your heritage" themed and there was an international buffet, Chinese acrobat performance, fashion show contest, and a video presentation. We raised $230 from the buffet to donate to countries facing natural disasters! This is the video that I showed and personally edited! Please watch it and take into account how many people of different countries come together in times of need or celebration. There is so much that we can learn from each other especially when we come from different cultures. Part of the reason why I love having a blog is because I get to talk to people from all different countries! I hope you enjoy this video and take the time to acknowledge those who are different from you and hopefully learn something from them!
- Emily

Here are some pictures from International Day!

Here are some of my friends and I dressed as our heritage. lol
Chinese acrobats performed at our school!
Here are all the people who participated in the fashion show! I was the host! :)
Here I am pictured with the winner of the fashion show who was representing Bolivia!

Tell me something unique about your culture in the comments!

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