Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Asian Insider: Bubble Tea!!

I hope you are not disturbed by this picture. haha You may be wondering why there is black stuff at the bottom of this cup but I promise it is not mold or anything. This is a picture of bubble tea! The other day, I was walking through the Chinese Supermarket and saw the food counter that I always go to to get bubble tea! Bubble tea is both non-alcoholic and non-carbonated. It is an iced drink that is pretty sweet and is basically tea with a lot of milk in it! :) The taste is very distinct and I LOVE it!!!! To mix up the texture a bit, at the bottom of each cup are giant black tapioca balls and this is why this drink is consumed with a giant straw! It comes in several other flavors but I have never really been in the mood to try one. haha (Let me know if there flavors that you recommend!) Bubble Tea is a drink that I will probably be having a lot of in college :) lol

Here are some locations of places that I got great Bubble Tea from!

Great Wall Supermarket                              Chill Bubble Tea
2300 Pleasant Hill Rd                                     145 E Franklin St
Duluth, GA 30096                                           Chapel Hill, NC 27514

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